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1. Time Management
As a single mom, working 40 plus hours a week, (not to mention commute time) I am usually gone around 11 hours a day, and approximately 55 hours a week. On top of my busy work schedule, I also have my children’s activities, and other family obligations I have to squeeze in. To aid my busy schedule, I carry a huge planner. Personally, I use a Passion Planner. I chart out my life, every single thing. Tasks, lists, deadlines, you name it. The more I am organized, and the more I can see what I need to do, the more likely I am to do it.
2. Self-Discipline
This is huge for me. I was not the best online student when I first started. The schedule I put myself on was the only way I made it work. I carved out 1 hour every day, (various times based on life, of course) and I would devote that hour to school. If I did this consistently during the week, I would have just a little extra work to finish on Saturday, and then I could relax on Sunday. If I didn’t follow the schedule, I was almost always rushing Sunday night, completely stressed out, and with poor grades.
3. Make it Fun (reward yourself)
Make it fun for yourself. Maybe I have to study late one night after work because of longer than normal bedtime rituals with my kids. It’s 11pm, and I want a bowl of ice cream. So, I tell myself I can have it after I finish this chapter, or assignment. If I give myself a deadline, and I meet it, I might take myself out that weekend, or even buy myself a little trinket. I just have to earn it first!
4. Study With a Friend
Regardless of what school your friends may be attending, you’re likely to know someone in school. Try studying together, and keeping each other accountable. And if you don’t know anyone in school, perhaps you may have a friend, or family member, who could help from time to time. You can also always contact your Student Success Coordinator if you need a little encouragement. You’re never alone on this journey!
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